Our Services

  • Delivery of quality, safe and efficacious pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, nutritional and cosmetic health related products
  • Offer prevention, management, treatment and curative techniques for diseases and conditions of major concern to the public
  • Improve patient adherence, compliance and concordance through the development of novel and innovative dosage forms for improved drug delivery systems
  • Through our ‘Private Consultation’, we shall provide answers and referrals where necessary, to your health/medicine related questions
  • We shall educate the general public and relevant professionals in the maintenance, management and control of chronic long term conditions such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease

Product Range


Anti-infective, Anti-malarial, Analgesic, Anti-pyretic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-hypertensive, Anti-diabetic, Thyroid Hormones, Multivitamins, Cold & Flu remedy, Allergy relief, Anti-emesis, Cough Expectorant, Suppressants and Demulcents, Nutritional Drinks and food supplements

Medical Devices

Asthma Inhalers/relievers, COPD inhalers/relievers, Blood Pressure Monitors, Cholesterol Monitors, Blood Sugar Monitors, Blood Circulation Boosters, Stethoscopes and Diagnostic devices

Nutraceuticals and Homeopathy

Provision of quality nutritional foods and food supplements in form of mixed powders, liquids, tablets and capsules. Herbal products made from naturally occurring materials such as Arnica Cream (for bruising and muscular aches), Tea tree oil (as an antiseptic), Clove Oil (for tooth aches and pains), Sennosides (constipation)


Skin care creams and bath formulas for treatment, management and maintenance of Dermatitis, Eczema, Irritation, Allergies, Inflammation and Skin tone/Pigmentation.